Community & Behavioral Health

Health Care Social Worker

Career Progression

Entry Level

Social & Human Services Assistants

Mid Level

Social Worker, Mental Health Counselor

Senior Level

Pathway Category

Mid-Level  These positions pay more than those at the entry level, but also often require some related work experience and additional education, such as a technical training/certificate, two-year associate’s degree, or four-year bachelor’s degree. This is generally the point where workers have identified a career they enjoy and begin fine-tuning their skills and earning related licensures. Some experienced workers from other industries or students who have completed internships or apprenticeship training programs may be able to enter at this elevated level.

What does a person in this career do?

As a health care social worker, you remove barriers! People come to you with problems or concerns and you help put together a plan to help directly or connect them with the right people, services, and other community resources to get things done. Your patience, empathy, and passion for helping others makes your community a better place to live.

Occupations for a health care social worker

Occupations in the Community & Behavioral Health family specialize in mental health care, rehabilitation services, and overall social or public wellness. They strive to improve not only physical health, but also the hearts, spirits, and minds of those in their communities through a wide range of social and human services, often focusing on strategies for counseling, treatment, and preventative care maintenance. While much of the work in these occupations is conducted directly with patients within a community, a large portion of time is often also spent organizing events or sessions, collaborating with other public and private support agencies, advocating for patient rights and access, and educating members of the community about available goods, services, and assistance programs.  These occupations are good for someone who enjoys helping others, is comfortable around a wide range of people, and wants to make a positive impact on their community. Patience, empathy, and communication skills are very important in these occupations, some of which may also involve travel and working outside.

Description of duties

Advocate and provide individuals and communities with psychological or social support needed to cope with chronic, severe, or terminal illnesses, injuries, or diseases. Duties may include advising family caregivers, providing patient education and counseling, making referrals to other health care professionals or agencies, and addressing barriers to accessing health care or support services within a community.

Quick Facts

Wage/Salary Range

Education & Training

Typical Work Environments

Personality Traits

Discover your strengths by taking the assessment.

2021 All Star Lindsay Swales, Tanager Place

Partners who hire for this position

Knowledge and Skills Required

  • Therapy and Counseling
  • Medical and Dental Terminology
  • Health and Human Services
  • Active Listening and Communication
  • Observing and Documenting Information
  • Customer and Personal Service

Other Job Titles

• Case Manager
• Care Coordinator
• Clinical Social Worker
• Hospice Social Worker
• Medical Social Worker
• Social Work Case Manager
• Substance Abuse Social Worker